Name: nikki leigh mckean
D.O.B: in sunny July
I am passionate about: life, love & travel
Things I love: champagne, yummy food, passport stamps, the hum of laughter, yoga, the sound of a piano, snow angels, coming home
Favourite camera: my first Polaroid camera from Mom & Dad, Christmas ‘87
Favorite time of year: Fall in my favourite sweater, when the lights twinkle
I am inspired by: serendipity and happy accidents
Words of advice: you’ll know it when you hear it
Favorite life moment: reading your name in a love letter
Favorite photo: the ones I shot this morning
I dream: in an ocean of sky
I wish: to be the change that I want to see in the world (someone important said that…)
I have: a bulldog and his name is Meatball.
I believe: in love, obviously.
Your story: here. I want to know about you.
Favorite place: anywhere I find family and friends